Join Nikki for one of the following sessions:

Astrology Readings

Reiki Therapy

Yoga Therapy

Start the healing

My Approach

The Eclectic Healer was borne out of Nikki’s passion for understanding people.

She firmly believes that issues in the body are a manifestation of what's going on in the mind.

Astrology Readings

A natal chart is a cosmic snapshot of a specific moment in time – the time you came into being. 
From the sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth through to what sign and house each planet sits in, your chart captures where each of the planets were and maps the relationships between them.
By understanding and appreciating your astrological makeup, you can fulfil your own innate potential and identify areas for growth.  
Nikki believes that knowledge of the self is one of the most important gifts in life. Greater self-awareness leads to more compassion towards the self and a life lived more in alignment with one’s true purpose.

'To thine own self be true'

William Shakespeare

What to expect from your session:

A consultation with Nikki will help you navigate your chart, focusing on any areas of specific interest to you, such as relationships or career.

She will help you identify any limiting beliefs and patterns of behaviour, empowering you to make more informed decisions moving forwards. Nikki will find the positives in any chart and her aim is for you to leave a session feeling wiser and inspired by the future.

All sessions delivered with Love and Light.


Session: 60 minutes, £100. Includes keepsake chart. 
Important:  All customers will need to provide  the date, year, place and exact time of birth. The session is unable to take place without this information. No refunds accepted. 
Sessions available at The Eclectic Healer’s Riverside Retreat or at your home (within a 20 mile radius, travel cost TBC on application).

If you are feeling jaded, off kilter, are recovering from illness or injury, or are simply in need of a pause and reset on where you're at in life, book a session with Nikki

Nourish and support yourself with the love and kindness you deserve.

Reiki Therapy

Reiki, meaning ‘life force energy’ is a wonderful energy healing technique that can trace its origins back to Japan from over 2000 years ago.

The channelling of this energy is transferred from the healers’ hands to the patients body in a gentle and non-invasive way to promote self-healing and improve overall wellbeing, and is of immense benefit to anyone and everyone.

Having been on her own healing journey, Nikki experienced the truly transformative effects of Reiki first hand and was keen to learn more. Qualifying as a Master Reiki Practitioner in 2019, Nikki has never looked back and has been sharing her skills with clients ever since.

Who is this for?

For anyone feeling anxious, depressed or stressed, Reiki will bring you back to your centre and ground you. By restoring balance and harmony to the mind, body and soul,  you will be equipped to navigate life with more ease. 

Reiki reduces discomfort and pain in the body as it promotes self-healing and supports the immune system. 

Simultaneously, it compliments conventional medicine as it aids the healing process and improves relaxation.

What to expect from your session:

Each session begins with a personalised consultation and ends with an analysis of what was experienced. Nikki’s skill is in empowering her clients through greater self awareness so that they understand where any imbalances are and what they mean psychologically.

During a session you may feel various sensations, such as heat, pulsing or tingling, you may see colours or feel so relaxed that you fall asleep. Emotions may come to the surface that you were not expecting, but whatever happens, trust that the universe in its infinite wisdom, will send the energy to where its meant to go.

All sessions delivered with Love and Light.


Initial session: 45 – 60 minutes, £65
Follow up sessions : 30 – 40 minutes, £40
Sessions available at The Eclectic Healer’s Riverside Retreat or at your home (within a 20 mile radius, travel cost TBC on application).

"What does it mean to be psychic? Essentially it means to feel, rather than think all the time."

- Frederick Lenz -

Yoga Therapy

A passionate believer that yoga is for all, Nikki has made it her mission to equip students with the necessary tools to take yoga beyond the mat and out into their daily lives, because Yoga really is therapy in itself! 
Yoga has been a constant in Nikki’s life and guided her through difficult times. 
Deepening her practice led her to qualify with The Classical Yoga School, going on to share her knowledge by teaching Ashtanga, Beginners Yoga and Restorative Yoga in various gyms and locations across Surrey and London. Accessibility is at the forefront of her practice, and she has taught everyone from Fulham footballers, school children and bed bound adults.
Interestingly, it was discovering Reiki that was the final piece of the puzzle that allowed Nikki to combine her individual skill set into a unique holistic package. 
A natural empath, she was always aware of ‘energy’ and went on to become a Reiki Master and Energy Healer. 
Whilst seemingly unconnected to Yoga, Nikki believes that her interest in the mind, through psychology, and the body, through its energy blockages and imbalances, are perfectly in sync with the study of yoga, which is a literal union of the mind, body and soul.  

What to expect from your session:

 Nikki now prefers to focus on one-on-one sessions with a tailored mind body philosophy, offering clients a unique all-encompassing approach to their physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. 
Yoga therapy practice combines movement, meditation and breathing exercises to promote relaxation and self soothing. Incorporating mindful breathing with this has helped previous clients experiencing anxiety, asthma, and cancer find relief and calm.
It has been Nikki’s privilege to –  in conjunction with traditional medicine –  help people recover from illness and find a moment of peace by relieving stress.
Whether you are new to Yoga or are perhaps looking to seek some inner calm through a gentle practice, Nikki can work with you.

All sessions delivered with Love and Light.


30 minute or 60 minute sessions available, please call to discuss.

Sessions available at The Eclectic Healer’s Riverside Retreat or at your home (within a 20 mile radius, travel cost TBC on application).

Gift Cards

Treat a loved one to an Eclectic Healer voucher for a unique holistic gifting idea to be redeemed for a session or bundle of your choosing.

Please enquire for further details

Client Feedback

"Nikki's session proved so popular that we have asked her to come back every year since."

I've known Nikki for over 20 years and have always found her to be very generous with her time. She helped fund raise at many local schools Summer and Christmas fayres running a stall analysing peoples handwriting and she was a great hit with the students, parents and teachers alike.

During lock down Nikki did an online yoga session for my Girl Guide pack which was not only great fun, but she also included some relaxation techniques which the girls really benefitted from.

Nikki also gave a pop-up lecture to the Guides on the basics of astrology which again was hugely popular. Nikki went above and beyond though and spent time individually with each girl, going through their chart and talking about their aspirations and detailing where their strengths lay.

Nikki has a way of instantly connecting with people and making them feel understood and if she hadn't moved, I'd be asking her to come and see my Guides again!

Joan P
New Malden

"Nikki's session proved so popular that we have asked her to come back every year since."

Nikki gave a wonderfully insightful and interesting session on Astrology with some Graphology to the CYS yoga teacher trainees and each student told me how much they had taken from it. Nikki's session proved so popular that we have asked her to come back every year since.

Nikki, also one of our CYS yoga graduate teachers, is a warm and charming woman whose passion to help men and women understand themselves better through her work, to be happy and harmonised, is clear for all to see.

June Mitchell
Course Director
CYS Teacher Training, Perthshire

"She is a lady who is clearly deeply in tune with others emotions and can make the kind of connections that only wise and experienced healers can."

Nikki has a really warm and effervescent demeanour which immediately puts people at ease. My teenage daughter is really interested in astrology so we approached Nikki at a Psychic Fair for a chart reading.

As we needed some more detailed information regarding her time of birth we asked for a calligraphy reading whilst we were there.

Nikki was very insightful and thorough in analysing my daughters handwriting and discussed her findings with empathy and interest. She clearly has a lot of knowledge on the subject and my daughter loved her! I would thoroughly recommend Nikki for any of her services - I've been told that her Reiki has amazing results and plan to book a session with her in future.

She is a lady who is clearly deeply in tune with others emotions and can make the kind of connections that only wise and experienced healers can.

Laura, Godalming

"Nikki has truly valuable insight."

"Nikki is somehow always able to read me like a book, because she has this preternatural ability to observe and inform. Her insights on my birth chart and handwriting have given me a huge sense of direction over the years, and, at the same time, have explained the moments where I’ve felt I lost it.

Nikki has truly valuable insight, and I say that as someone who would call themselves something of a skeptic when it comes to mystical matters! Her quirky, riverside outhouse was idyllic and peaceful, the perfect setting for an introspective moment."

Nico, Guildford

“She had this aura about her that drew you in."

“I’ve known Nik since we were at school together and it’s no surprise to me that she’s gone on to do all the things she has and that she is The Eclectic Healer!

She always stood out as she was ‘different’ and seemed very knowing….. I didn’t know what energy was but looking back it’s like she had this aura about her that drew you in.

She just ‘knew stuff’ and people would seek her advice or just ask about their star sign or their handwriting and they were always wowed by what she told them….even the teachers! She recently did a birth chart for my daughter and compared it to mine - amongst other things she helped us both understand our differing ways of approaching things and we have a newfound appreciation of each other's point of view which makes for less arguments! If you can, I'd suggest you go see Nik!

Lisa G, Shirley

“Instantly put me at ease."

“Instantly put me at ease. After one session I felt like she completely understood me, like I had a new best friend”

“Now I can move forward armed with more confidence and clarity"

I was amazed at the insights that Nicky gave me from my handwriting. I discovered that everything she told me was indeed a more productive way of looking at my life. Things previously hidden had come to light.

Looking back , I had seen signs but never joined the dots to see the full picture . Nicky showed me that in a few minutes. Now I can move forward armed with more confidence and clarity and a clear path to follow to reach a goal that has changed my life and my family lives for a brighter and more positive future.

We all need help at times . Someone to show us a different more insightful way of looking at our lives and show us a different way forward so we can change direction if we choose . It has helped me forge a more positive future for myself and my family. Thank you Nikki.

I can definitely recommend Nikki’s graphology services to anyone who wants to improve their life and have the doors open to a more contented life.

Babette Wallis, Molesey

“I can truly recommend Nikki for any or all of the treatments."

Nikki is a naturally spiritual person who is gifted in so many aspects, she is intuitive, mindful and incredibly talented in many fields.

As a graphologist her skill at analysis of handwriting is amazingly accurate as many of my friends would stand testament to. Nikki is always my 'go to' for a moon reading and the natal astrology chart readings she has done for my family were all very precise and exact, my husband said it was 'uncannily accurate'.

Last year I experienced some health problems that could have impacted on my being able to travel. I had received several Reiki sessions with Nikki previously which always helped but on this occasion the Reiki was performed remotely. I was sceptical that this would work so I was surprised at the speed of the healing recovery. I was able to travel with no further health issues which was incredible. I can truly recommend Nikki for any or all of the treatments.

Oh, and I forgot to mention she is also a fully trained yoga teacher too! A very talented lady.

Sue D, Coulsdon

“I can honestly say that I've never opened up or connected with anyone as much as I did with Nikki."

Nikki is a goddess! I met her at a psychic fayre a few years ago, I was feeling very low as I'd just had a really negative reading and I didn't even know what Graphology was, but I felt drawn to Nikki's stall and I'm so glad I did.

She quickly homed in on the fact that my heart was closed and that I was lonely. It was a really emotional reading, but Nikki was so compassionate.

As a young widow I've had many counselling sessions, and I can honestly say that I've never opened up or connected with anyone as much as I did with Nikki.

I have since gone on to book several Reiki sessions with her and always come away feeling better for it. Nikki did so much more than just analyse my handwriting, she gave me hope for the future.

Julie, Dorking

“I would thoroughly recommend her to anyone."

I didn't know much about astrology other than I didn't seem 'to fit' my star sign and I was curious to find out more, so a friend recommended her to me.

Having my chart read by Nikki was so interesting and I learnt such a lot about myself, she really made sense of everything.

She's very passionate and knowledgeable about her subject and I would thoroughly recommend her to anyone.

Rose T, Leatherhead

"Your aura is just too fabulous and you're a gorgeous soul."

Jessica B, Warrington